Monday, December 1, 2014

A Night Full of Surprises

"Enjoli," my mom said as we walked into the house Friday night, "Next week is going to be extremely busy, so I was thinking you should just invite Danielle over tomorrow night after church and we can celebrate your birthday."
"Can I invite some other friends too?" I asked.
"No, just one."
"Well, okay."
The next day at church my mom asked Danielle and she said she had to ask her parents.
"My parents said it's okay!" she grinned.
So, after church we were going to take Danielle home but we brought another friend, Gracie, with us because she needed a ride.
"Okay, lets stop by Danielle's house so she can get her stuff for tonight." my mom says as we pulled into their driveway.
While Danielle was getting her stuff, I went over to talk to her sister Samantha.
"Hey, Sam!"
"Hi! What are you doing here?"she asked
"Just waiting for your sister to get her stuff."
"What stuff?"
"Oh, well, your sister is having a sleepover and we are going to celebrate my birthday."
"What about me?" she asked just as my mom walked over.
"Sorry," my mom said, "I'll make it up to you." she smiled.
I felt a little bit bad for her but soon we were on our way home.
After we had family worship, my mom told us were were going to go somewhere, but that it was a surprise. So, we hopped in the car and started driving down the mountain.
"Okay, Enjoli. Put your head down and close your eyes! Emily, you're not allowed to speak!" my mom shouted from the front seat.
After driving for a while, the car turned off.
"Okay, you can open your eyes!"
I opened my eyes..."What in the world!" I exclaimed. "Why are we in the Carrefor (A grocery store) parking garage!?"
"I don't know!" my mom said mysteriously as we walked into the grocery store. We ended up walking through the back door outside.
"Okay, we'll tell you now. We just wanted to take you to he 50 to get your favorite Carmel Bubble tea!"
"Oh! Cool!" I said.
We crossed the street and were just getting in line when I saw one of my friends come around the opposite corner towards me. For a split second I thought we had just happened to cross paths, but that thought quickly left when my when my friend, Gracie was followed by a bunch of others!
I just stood awestruck as they all ran up to me saying, 'Happy Birthday!'
"So that's why you wouldn't let me invite anyone else!" I told my mom. "You had already planned on them meeting us here!"
I was very excited to see them all, after I got my drink they gave me a card. They had all signed it but there was also a clue on where I was to go next! 
The first card read: " I know you love surprises! So I have a few for you. Now that you have your drink, you must find something to eat. There will be another card at the restaurant. Sorry there isn't any peanut sauce, but you still like the food right?"

"So where are we going, Enjoli?" My dad asked. 
"The Thai food restaurant! But, I don't know how to get there!
"Ask Shin."
So Shin led us to the Thai food restaurant. As soon as i walked into the entrance.. "Happy Birthday to You! Happy birthday to you!..." I just stood there in total shock as my friends pushed me forward.
"There's more!?" I said!
There in the Thai restaurant were friends from Care Group and church.

"Wow! This is ... is... awesome! Thanks for coming, everyone!"
The food was SO yummy. I even tried the weird, rainbow colored, transparent egg.
As I finished the last bit of fried rice on my plate, they started singing to me again! Then, they plopped a chocolate cake in front of me.
"Cut it! Cut it!" my friends chanted. I made the first cut but then handed it off to my dad who is much better at that kind of thing.
"Oh, I'm so full!" I moaned. The food was all so good... and filling!

"Okay, here's your next card." my mom handed me an envelope.
"Another one? Oh boy!"
The second card read: "
I know you are full, but you like to tell me how, 'There's ALWAYS room for ice cream!' Go freshen up in the restroom and while you're there have a bowl of soft serve ice cream with me!"
"WHAT?!" I shouted. "Just... what?! Eat ice-cream with you in the bathroom!? I am so confused."
Where would you eat ice-cream in a bathroom?" Sam hinted to me.

"OH! The Toilet Restaurant (The Modern Toilet)! Let's go!"
We hopped on the MRT and walked over to the restaurant. I climbed up the narrow staircase and then BAM! There were all my friends from school singing happy birthday!
I was just astounded and shocked yet again!
"I did not expect you guys to be here!" I laughed as I took a seat. 

The restaurant was really fun; everyone sat on a toilet, ate at a bathtub-table, ordered poo-poo ice cream (swirled chocolate ice cream served in a toilet) and there were toilet paper rolls for napkins,
the waiters were all in bathrobes, it was really funny. They told me I had a chance to win something if I spun the wheel, and amazingly, I won a mango shaved ice with more chocolate ice-cream!

I was SO, extremely stuffed, but it was good. I even told the toilet/WC story to everyone. (If you haven't  , you got to look it up.)
 When everyone was finished eating and taking pictures ;) I was handed my third card that read," Look at how many friends you have gathered! While you were in the heart of Africa, your friend William told you a funny joke. Tell your friends the joke! Then take the MRT to the heart of Taipei to enjoy the punchline."'
" oh, I know what joke that is!" So I told them the Cookie joke and soon we were all laughing. The punchline is " I am a doughnut, but I couldn't figure out what the heart of Taiei was! With a little bit of prompting, I finally got it, "Taipei main station!"

 Off we went back to the MRT to Taipei Main Station. When we got off, we walked over to the Krsipy Kreams. We were about to get in line when... The Happy Birthday song was being sung yet again but this time by a bunch of my teachers who surprised me!  Soon, the whole restaurant and everybody near by was joining in! One of my teachers gave me a doughnut. Ugh, I was so stuffed I could hardly eat half of it. I thought I might go into a food coma! Lol!
I was given my last card that read: " Although your journey has ended, the fun doesn't have to! Go buy yourself a birthday present and have a good night!" Enclosed was some money for me to go shopping. 

Soon, never hone except my school friends, Danielle, my mom and I left.
"See you at church next week Sam, Gracie, Connie, and Hannah" called as they waved goodbye.
We didn't know where to go shopping because a lot of t of places were closed, but we finally decided to go to the Shilin Night market. we had a lot of fun shopping and looking in the stores. We even looked at a pet store with cute persian kittens!
I wanted to take one home, but my mom and I both knew my dad wouldn't be too happy about that :)
It was about 12:45 am when we finished shopping and went out separate ways! Danielle, my mom, and I caught a taxi home.
When we walked inside, my dad and sister were just finishing a movie.
I walked into my room to set down my bags and "SURPRISE!!!" My friend popped out of their hiding places.
I thought you went home!" I laughed. We all had a great big sleep over. I don't think we actually got to bed until 2:30.
The surprise birthday party was so... So... Spectacular! It couldn't have been any better. I am really thankful for all the people here who love and care about me and gave me such an amazing surprise ( I'm kind of hard to surprise too)! Thank you everybody who came and helped plan it, especially my amazing parents! I know Shin helped a lot too.  I am so blessed! :D  It was the best birthday ever! I will always remember my sweet 16! :)