Thursday, October 29, 2015

"So... I can... eat again?!"

"We got your allergy tests back." my dad said as he glanced at me through the front mirror.
Instantly my heart did flip-flops and a cold chill of nervousness rushed over my body. Before I could respond, my dad told me he wouldn't tell me the results until we got to the house and he had showed and talked it over with my mom.

Okay, so maybe I should back-track a little:
 As you may know from a previous post, I became allergic to a LOT of things. I took the test in February and it said I was allergic to: Dairy (the highest), wheat, soy, gluten, rice, sunflower seed, papaya, orange, almonds, buckwheat, wheat, eggs, walnuts, peanuts, and tea. Yep, basically everything. Anyway, since then I have tried to completely avoid any of those foods. Do you know how hard that is? Indescribably difficult. Besides the difficulty of finding gluten free, dairy free, nut free, rice free, ect., did you know that almost everything is cooked in soy oil (and here, sunflower oil) or has soy lectin in it? Most Gluten-free products are made with rice, but I couldn't eat that either. On top of that, all the labels here are in Chinese, of course! These eight months I just had to eat at home, bring my own food everywhere, or/and just watch others eat. That is difficult in Taiwan where everyone eats out.  I kind of got used to people eating yummy food that I couldn't in front of me, but it was still hard.
A couple months ago we found out more about my allergies. I will try and explain the best I can: I got this bacteria called Candida (yeast) that ate holes in my stomach lining. This resulted in all my food going into my bloodstream. This made my body react to the food as an allergy. 
So, while we were in the states, we got a bunch of pro-biotics and other "stuff" to heal my gut. I also started juicing once a month.
Because of all this, I was doing a lot better; only breaking out in hives every now and then. But suddenly, I started getting them more frequently and we couldn't understand why. We were worried I was gaining new allergies (which kind of freaked us out).  About this time, we found out that Candida grows on sugar.
My parents decided to put me on an extreme diet for a month and then I would get retested. The diet consisted of: raw vegetables, quinoa, the few nuts and oil I could eat (and seasonings and stuff). I couldn't have sugar, fruit, or carbs (except for a cup of beans a day so I didn't shrivel into a twig :p). In fact, my mom was constantly worried about me losing weight; especially since we run a lot (training for a 1/2 marathon). I wasn't allowed to run and had to walk if I was under 108 lbs / 48 kg (which was the case a lot of the time; but I was still able to keep up when I could run, thankfully).

That last month was horrible. I had such intense cravings for anything sweet (an apple sounded heavenly). I mostly ate salad and nuts.  "And I thought my old diet was bad" I remember thinking to myself. I survived and God helped through. After the month was finally up, we went back to the clinic where I got my blood taken and was told I would get the results in two weeks.
Another thing we decided to do was have an anointing service for me. It was really special. After church, (a couple days before my re-testing)  the elders laid their hands on me, prayed, and anointed me. I felt peace in my heart. I knew that we had done everything we could and that it was in God's hands now. I knew many people were praying for me.

Two agonizingly-long weeks later, my dad told me he got my results, as I mentioned in the beginning.  My dad pulled up to our house, and we all hopped out of the car. I went to my room and my parents to theirs.
"O, God," I prayed. "I'm so nervous! What if I'm still allergic to everything? What will I do? It's so hard to eat and live like this. Please let the report be good. I know You can. I have believe in You, 'Help my unbelief." Most importantly though, let Your will be done."
I decided that even if the results were bad, I would just see it as God's will for me and I would survive. He could help through.
Eventually, my parents called me into their room. I could hardly bear the suspense as I slowly walked into their bedroom. I braced myself, as I waited for them to tell me the news.
"Your allergies are so much better! There are only a few things on here and you have no more high allergies!"
I sighed with relief and plopped onto their bed. "Thank-you, God!" I whispered.
My mom then proceeded to explain that I still need to be gluten-free, and mostly vegan but there were so many more things I could eat!
"So, I can like, almost eat like a normal person again?!"
I don't know why, but my eyes started filling.
"I'm just... so overwhelmed! I can.. I can eat again!" I laughed through my misting eyes.
"Yes, you can eat again, Enjoli. You just have to be careful to rotate everything and only eat these certain things sparingly and you should be fine" my mom repeated as she and my dad gave me a hug.
Walking into the kitchen, I turned to my parents, "I just can't believe it! I can eat again! But I forgot how to eat... You're going to have to teach me how to eat like a normal person again!" I laughed.
That night I hardly slept a wink, thinking about food, haha! I am definitely more thankful for food than I ever have been in my life. I will never take food for granted again. I repeatedly thanked God for answering my prayer that night. How good, loving, and kind our God is!

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